Category Blog

9 Things to do to Prepare Your Home for Summer

Summer is a wonderful time — if your home is ready for it. So enjoy the last few weeks of cooler weather, but do a little preventative maintenance while you’re at it. You’ll fix small problems before they become big,…

Which Home Alarms Do You Need?

Part of our job as firefighters is to educate the public on fire safety awareness and prevention. We have found that people don’t always know what type of alarms they need in their home, or how long those alarms last.…

5 Carbon Monoxide Safety Tips

Every year, unintentional carbon monoxide (CO) poisoning (not linked to fires) sends 20,000 people to the emergency room and causes more than 4,000 hospitalizations. And, you might consider them the fortunate ones. CO also is responsible for more than 400…

Why a basic Homeowners policy isn’t always enough

Sometimes, a basic homeowners policy just isn’t enough. So as your career advances and your income increases, it’s important to keep your insurance protection up to date. This helps you avoid expensive gaps in coverage and prevents you from paying…

Keep Cool — While Keeping Your Energy Costs Down

Two-thirds of households in America have air conditioners, according to the U.S. Department of Energy — and they spend a total $11 billion each year running them. Our guess is that most of those households (which may include yours!) wouldn’t…

5 Rules Every Landlord Should Live By

specialty dwelling insurance Peoria AZ

I’m pretty confident that if you asked anyone who has ever owned a rental property you would get an overwhelming response that it’s not as lucrative or easy as they thought it would be. In fact, owning a rental property…

Will my credit rating change my insurance rates?

insurance quotes Peoria AZ

I was recently asked this question by one of our Arrowhead Insurance LLC clients, and thought I would share the answer here for our readers. There are a lot of things that go into homeowners and auto insurance rates, one of…

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